Kilims Collection
Woven for millennia in the Asia Minor and Central Asia country side by nomadic and semi-nomadic women from various tribal groups and clans. So prodigiously were they woven that for every 10,000 kilims there was only one rug. Most were used up and then thrown away by city and town dwellers. Thus, the kilim's poor reputation in the Orient as a utilitarian fabric with little or no value considering their humble and poor origins. Because it's always been held in such low esteem, it shocks the Westerner's sensibilities, who only see a beautifully crafted fabric and recoil with intrepredation at its coarse treatment. Kilims can be great works of art, are traditionally designated as folk art textile articles, and some are much finer than rugs. Others can be the stuff of dreams. Others, merely the coarsest floor covering. Others, the mobile furniture for tribal life
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